My published works
on design of passive autobalancers






  1. Filimonikhin G.B. Autobalancing device / The copyright certificate of the USSR on the invention N 1795319 class G 01 M 1/38.
  2. Filimonikhin G.B. Autobalancing device / Patent of Ukraine N 21797 A class G 01 M 1/38
  3. Filimonikhin G.B. About a capability of a balancing of a rotor by connected pendulums mounted on the axes which are perpendicular to the shaft of the rotor // The National interdepartmental scientific and technical digest Designing, manufacture and exploitation of agricultural machines , 1999. Issue 27, p.p. 173-176. (PDF - 152 KB)
  4. Filimonikhin G.B., Sotnickov V.S. The autobalancer-dampers with spherical motion of the corrective masses // The digest of the proceedings of KSTU, 2000. Issue 6, p.p. 52-55. (HTML - 14 KB)
  5. Filimonikhin G.B., Nevdakha U.A. Decreasing of sensitivity of the autobalancers to gravity by imposing of connections // The digest of the proceedings of KSTU, 2000. Issue 6, p.p. 55-59. (HTML - 10 KB)
  6. Filimonikhin G.B. Autobalancing device / Patent of Ukraine N 36244 A class G 01 M 1/38. (HTML - 2 KB)
  7. Filimonikhin G.B. Autobalancing device / Patent of Ukraine N 36294 A class G 01 M 1/38. (HTML - 3 KB)
  8. Sotnickov V.S., Filimonikhin G.B. Autobalancing device / Patent of Ukraine N 40768 A class G 01 M 1/38. (HTML - 2 KB)
  9. Filimonikhin G.B., Nevdakha U.A. Autobalancing device / Patent of Ukraine N 40770 A class G 01 M 1/38. (HTML - 2 KB)






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